Transforming Dentistry: The Power of CEREC Technology for Same-day Dental Crowns

Traditional dental procedures can be time-consuming and often necessitate multiple appointments. However, CEREC, short for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics, is transforming the landscape of dentistry, promising expedited, efficient, and high-quality results.

Having an in-house CEREC system allows dentists like Dr. Loveleen Brar at Marigold Dental in Federal Way to repair damaged teeth caused by decay or injury in just a single visit. This is a game-changing improvement from traditional methods, typically requiring two or more appointments and a lengthy waiting period for laboratory-made restorations.

The Groundbreaking CEREC Technology

CEREC is an innovative solution that uses advanced CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided Design and Computer-Aided Manufacturing) technology to create a variety of dental restorations on the spot.

Applications of CEREC Technology

From crowns to bridges and veneers, the potential applications of CEREC are extensive:

  • Crowns: Dental crowns are a type of restoration that completely caps a damaged tooth, offering structural stability and aesthetic improvements.
  • Inlays and Onlays: These restorations are used to repair teeth that have suffered extensive damage, where a simple filling won’t suffice, but a crown is unnecessary.
  • Fixed Bridges: Bridges are used to replace one or more missing teeth, bridging the gap to restore both function and appearance.
  • Veneers: A veneer is a thin shell of porcelain or composite bonded to a tooth’s front surface to enhance its appearance.
  • Dental Implant Restorations: Dental implants are used to replace missing teeth, from the root to the crown. CEREC assists in the precise fabrication of the implant crown.
  • Orthodontic Appliances: In orthodontics, CEREC can be used to produce retainers, aligners, and other appliances with precision and ease.

Why Choose CEREC? The Benefits Explained

CEREC technology offers several key advantages:

  • One-Visit Treatment: Thanks to CEREC, dental restorations can be completed in just a single appointment, making it a time-saver for busy patients.
  • No Need for Impressions: The CAD/CAM technology negates the need for messy, goopy impressions, a significant advantage for patient comfort.
  • High-Quality Materials: CEREC uses high-quality ceramic material that is both strong and biocompatible and made to fit your tooth perfectly.
  • Cost-Effective: Even with advanced technology and speed, CEREC crowns and bridges are a cost-effective solution.

What to Expect: The Three-Step CEREC Procedure

Marigold Dental’s CEREC procedure is typically completed in three key steps:

  1. Scanning: A 3D digital scan is performed using advanced imaging technology after the affected tooth is numbed and prepared for restoration.
  2. Design: Using CAD technology, a precise and individualized restoration is designed to fit the patient’s tooth perfectly.
  3. Fabrication: The CAM technology fabricates the final restoration from a block of ceramic right there in the dental office.

After this, the newly-created restoration is checked for fit and comfort, then bonded to the tooth. This ensures a seamless restoration process, all within a single appointment.

Schedule an appointment at Marigold Dental, your Federal Way dentist, and discover how we are Transforming Your Dental Experience with the latest in dental technology, like the CEREC, for a brighter, healthier smile.

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