The Innovative Edge of DEXIS CariVu™ Dental Technology

CariVu™ is a portable device that detects any decay-related cracks and lesions by bathing the tooth in safe light near the infrared spectrum without X-rays or harmful radiation. Tooth enamel appears translucent in the images it takes, but cavities show up as dark patches. This happens because decayed areas are porous, so they absorb more of the light. 

Marigold Dental in Federal Way strives to provide our patients with the best dental care available. Understanding the significance of leveraging the latest technology for better diagnosis and treatment, we are proud to integrate the revolutionary CariVu system into our practice.

With CariVu, Dr. Brar and the Marigold team can diagnose tooth decay and fractures in their early stages—before they become serious problems—ensuring our patients’ most effective treatment course.

The Future of Dental Care is Here with DEXIS CariVu

We believe the best care stems from the best technology. That’s why we’ve incorporated the CariVu into our practice, a revolutionary tool that is changing the game in dental diagnostics. 

Benefits of utilizing CariVu:

  • Early detection: DEXIS CariVu utilizes cutting-edge transillumination technology, which reveals dental lesions and cracks as dark areas in its high-resolution images. This early detection capability allows us to identify potential issues before they become significant problems, enabling us to provide preventive care and keep your smile healthy and bright.
  • Ease of use: As dental professionals, we appreciate that DEXIS CariVu provides clear, easy-to-read images without the need for tooth cleaning, device calibration, or deciphering multiple color codes. This simplicity saves time and ensures we can focus entirely on your treatment.
  • Non-invasive and safe: The DEXIS CariVu operates using safe, near-infrared light without the need for ionizing radiation. This makes it an ideal tool for children, pregnant women, and patients who are X-ray averse. It’s a leap forward in providing you with a comfortable, worry-free experience during your dental visit.

Unraveling the Power of Transillumination

CariVu is an advanced diagnostic tool that utilizes safe, near-infrared transillumination technology. This remarkable approach creates a translucent appearance in your teeth, helping us uncover potential cavities and cracks. With CariVu, we literally see into your teeth, revealing details that traditional methods might miss.

Why choose Marigold Dental for DEXIS CariVu technology?

We understand that staying at the forefront of dental technology is crucial to providing top-notch dental care. Our adoption of CariVu is a testament to our commitment to embracing innovation to improve our services. This device allows us to detect dental issues early, ensuring we can administer the most effective treatment strategies for our patients.

Furthermore, Dr. Brar is fully trained in using CariVu, providing seamless integration of this technology into our diagnostic and treatment procedures. Our aim is to deliver a dental experience that is safe, efficient, and, above all, centered around your needs.

Schedule an appointment at Marigold Dental, your Federal Way dentist, and discover how we are Transforming Your Dental Experience with the latest in dental technology, like the DEXIS CariVu, for a brighter, healthier smile.

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